Here are some pics and a vid from the
Steampunk Exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science at the University of Oxford. (I shot these mostly without a flash, as flash is prohibited in a museum environment. Also, the glass cases were daunting, as the camera focuses on the reflections of the glass- and not the magnificent detail of the objects on display inside the case.)
I truly wish that these pics could convey is the level of sheer excitement at the show. These photos were shot during off-hours because the crowds inside the exhibit made it impossible to shoot anything. The works here must be seen in person to appreciate the world-class level of artistry in this show. I am in awe at the artist's talent and ingenuity.
I'll title each pic later on. More to come as I organize the pics and vids.
Cheers! Art Donovan, Curator
P.S. Please see Photographer John Wilson's pics from the show. They're fantastic! CLICK HERE TO VIEW. Thank's John!
There is also a ton of great shots from other photographers and attendees at the show on Flickr. Click Here!

Tom Banwell' Masks^

Vianney Halter's Time Pieces^

Thomas Willeford & Amanda Scrivner^

Haruo Suekichi's Steampunk Watches^

More Suekichi^

Stephen Johnson (Museum Keeper) and Leslie Donovan. Please read sign :)

Stephane Halleux & Art Donovan- Opening Party^

Stephane Halleux^

Wonderful Posters by artist, Sydney Padua, UK^

Herr Doktor's Steampunk Space Helmet^

Owen & Nick (Museum Creative Staff) making steampunk display^

Museum Entrance^

Molly Friedrich- Robot Fetus Incubator^

Mad Uncle Cliff Goggles^

Leslie, James Richardson Brown, Bertrand andVianny Halter^

Leslie Donovan and Dr. Karen Ralls, Professor of History at Oxford^

Lady Elsie at Opening Party^

Kris Kuksi^

Jos De Vinks' Stirling Engines^

Jos De Vink^

Jess from the "The Kings Arms Pub"^

Jamillah Knowles from the BBC^
James Richardson Brown, Azzy, Amanda Scrivener, Dr. Ralls and Thomas Willeford^

View down exhibit hall^

Dr. Grymm- Goggles and James Richardson Brown's Computer Microphone^

Museum Entrance to exhibit^

Eric Freitas- Clock^

Eric Freitas- Mechanical Clock^

Sarah and Eric Freitas- Arrival Day at Museum^

Art Donovan Tripod Light^

Dr. Ralls, Amanda and Thomas- Opening Party^

Mad Uncle Cliff's Web Cam^


Thin White Duke^

Art Donovan & Dr. Ralls w/ Electric Skull^

Amanda Scrivener- Ornithopter Bat Wings^
What appears to be a video of the students from the Hogwarts School going up to see the exhibition.
link back here to blog
VIDEO. Live at the Museum. Record Breaking Attendance.